Preble County Ohio Addiction Hotline
Preble County OH Drug & Alcohol Treatment Hotline
Preble County Ohio Substance Abuse Statistics
Preble County, Ohio has been facing a significant substance abuse problem in recent years[1]. According to data from SAMHSA, Substance Abuse & Mental Health Services Administration, the county ranked third in the state for the percentage of individuals with Substance Use Disorder who were seeking treatment in 2019[1]. Substance abuse has had a profound impact on the county’s communities, affecting people of all ages, races, and socioeconomic backgrounds. The prevalence of drug and alcohol use in the county is a cause for concern, as it has been linked to a range of negative outcomes, including addiction, overdose, and mental health issues.
Drug and alcohol use in Preble County has been on the rise in recent years[2]. According to data from 2021, the county’s population increased slightly, while the median household income declined[3]. This socio-economic trend can contribute to the prevalence of substance abuse in the area. The county has been particularly affected by methamphetamine use, with Preble County OH ranking first in the state for meth use[2].
The impact of substance abuse on Preble County’s communities has been far-reaching[4]. Women in rural communities like Preble County face unique challenges related to substance abuse, including limited access to healthcare and resources[5]. Children have also been affected by substance abuse in the county, with approximately 10-12% of children removed from homes due to the presence of drugs[2]. The county’s addiction and mental health treatment services aim to address these issues by providing comprehensive care to those struggling with substance abuse and co-occurring mental health disorders[6]. Additionally, SAMHSA has created a series of videos and PSA’s for the prevention of underage drinking, highlighting the importance of prevention and education efforts[4].
1. Addiction | Preble County Ohio. from
2. drug use. from
3. Preble County, OH. from
4. Drugs & Alcohol. from–alcohol.html
5. Opioid crisis compounds rising domestic violence cases. from
6. Treatment Centers Preble County, Ohio. from

Preble County OH Addiction Treatment Resources

Preble County OH Mental Health & Addiction Recovery Board
Preble County OH Mental Health & Addiction Recovery Board. The Preble County Mental Health & Recovery Board contracts with and funds local agencies to provide mental health & addiction recovery services and supports to Preble County residents. The Board’s responsibilities are as follows: Assess community needs and identify priorities. Plan for a system of care through partnerships with consumers, family members, providers, and the public. Empower clients by giving them a voice in the behavioral health system and allowing them to direct their own recovery. Fund local services and supports to meet local needs. Monitor & Measure contract providers through program reviews and quarterly audits. Evaluate cost effectiveness, continuity of care, and quality of care. Collaborate with community partners including child services, law enforcement, courts and educators to provide prevention, treatment, and support services.

AA Preble County Ohio Alcoholics Anonymous
Preble County Ohio Alcoholics Anonymous. Southwest Ohio Area 56 is a spiritual entity with a threefold mission in support of AA’s primary purpose: To nurture communication among and foster participation within all elements of the General Service structure, thereby ensuring the formation of an informed group con-science, To facilitate Twelfth Step work within South-west Ohio as guided by the Twelve Traditions and Twelve Concepts for World Service, and To assist Groups, Districts and Intergroups in their service to the suffering alcoholic by sharing information, experience and resources. Walking with Purpose is a newsletter designed to foster unity within Area 56. Excerpts from AA conference-approved literature are reprinted with permission. Opinions are strictly those of the author and any con-tent should not be implied as endorsements by Alcoholics Anonymous.

Sojourner Preble County OH Alcohol And Drug Addiction Treatment
Sojourner Preble County OH Alcohol And Drug Addiction Treatment. Sojourner offers comprehensive substance use residential treatment services to address substance use and mental health in a structured and safe setting for those at high risk for continued use without an intensive supportive living environment.Outpatient groups are offered weekly and combined with individual counseling and services on a frequency determined by individual needs in order to achieve long term recovery. Intensive Outpatient Services are offered several days per week and include a combination of individual and group counseling totaling around 10 hours per week.

Camden, OH Government Preble County Ohio Addiction Resources
Camden, OH Government Preble County Ohio Addiction Resources. There are many government, state, county and other social services and resources available in and near Camden to assist individuals and families. You will find links to information on services related to the following: Camden Area Food and Clothing Assistance, Crisis Hotline information, Health, Medical, Mental Health, Addiction Services and Safety, Employment, Education and Job Opportunities, Preble County Services, Housing & Home Assistance, and PreSchool – HeadStart.