Portage County Ohio Addiction Hotline
Portage County OH Drug & Alcohol Treatment Hotline
Portage County Ohio Substance Abuse Statistics
According to statistics, Portage County has a lower incidence of substance abuse compared to other counties in Ohio[1]. The Ohio Substance Abuse Monitoring Network annual report notes the prevalence of the usage of a variety of drugs in the Akron/Canton area, including opioids, benzodiazepines, and stimulants[2]. These statistics highlight the need for continued efforts to address substance abuse in the county.
The impact of substance abuse on the population and communities in Portage County is significant. Unintentional drug overdose deaths in the county are often driven by fentanyl, often in combination with other drugs such as cocaine[3]. In 2020, Portage County reported 91 drug overdose deaths, with the majority of cases involving fentanyl[4]. The statistics also reveal that heroin began to hit Portage County hard in 2012, and since then, there has been a steady increase in overdose deaths[5].
These alarming figures indicate the need for increased access to addiction treatment and harm reduction services.
Substance abuse not only impacts individuals but also their families and communities. The death rate per 100,000 population due to drug poisoning in Portage County is higher than the national average[1]. Additionally, substance abuse can lead to increased criminal activity, homelessness, and social stigma[6]. The statistics also show that heavy drinking is prevalent in the county, with a significant percentage of adults reporting heavy drinking in the 30 days prior to the survey[7]. To combat substance abuse and its impact on the community, there is a need for increased public awareness, education, and access to resources for prevention and treatment. Overall, the substance abuse statistics in Portage County, Ohio, highlight the need for continued efforts to address substance abuse and its impact on individuals, families, and communities. By increasing access to addiction treatment and harm reduction services, as well as promoting public awareness and education, we can work towards reducing the prevalence of substance abuse in the county.
1. Death Rate due to Drug Poisoning :: County : Portage. from www.healthyneo.org
2. Portage County Community Health Needs Assessment By. from www.kent.edu
3. Portage Overdose Surge. from www.mental-health-recovery.org
4. Surveillance of Drug Abuse Trends in the State of Ohio. from aohc.net/aws/AOHC/asset_manager/get_file/176458?ver=13
5. Heroin, fentanyl killing Portage County residents. from www.record-courier.com
6. Indicators :: Households that Received Substance Abuse …. from www.healthyneo.org
7. Indicators :: Adults who Drink Excessively :: County : Portage. from www.healthyneo.org

Portage County OH Addiction Treatment Resources

Portage County OH Government Substance Abuse Resources
Portage County OH Government Substance Abuse Resources. Portage County, Ohio, offers a comprehensive array of substance abuse resources through its government services. These resources encompass addiction treatment programs, counseling services, support groups, and prevention initiatives aimed at addressing the diverse needs of individuals affected by substance abuse. Additionally, the county collaborates with community partners, healthcare providers, and law enforcement agencies to ensure accessible and effective support for those seeking recovery and assistance in combating substance abuse challenges. Residents can rely on Portage County’s commitment to providing accessible and compassionate care to promote healthier, safer communities.

Mental Health & Addiction Recovery Board Portage County OH
Mental Health & Addiction Recovery Board Portage County OH. The Mental Health & Recovery Board of Portage County funds services for Portage County residents through its network of agencies. Services help families, adults, teens and children with mental illness, depression, addictions, in crisis and at risk for suicide. Board-funded treatment improves the lives of thousands of Portage County, Ohio, residents who seek services from our system of care and support. The system is funded by Portage County taxpayers, along with grants and funds from the State of Ohio. Adults and families receiving services pay what they can afford, making services accessible to as many as possible.

AA Portage County Ohio Alcoholics Anonymous Area 54 Northeast Ohio
AA Portage County Ohio Alcoholics Anonymous Area 54 Northeast Ohio. Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) Area 54 serves Portage County, Ohio, as part of its broader coverage of Northeast Ohio. Dedicated to supporting individuals struggling with alcohol addiction, AA Area 54 provides a range of resources and services tailored to the needs of the community. This includes regular AA meetings, where individuals can share their experiences, receive support, and work through the 12-step program towards recovery. With a focus on anonymity, fellowship, and mutual support, AA Area 54 creates a safe and welcoming environment for individuals in Portage County OH to embark on their journey to sobriety and find hope in their recovery process.

Restore Portage County Oh Addiction Recovery Center
Restore Portage County Oh Addiction Recovery Center. We are a Christ-centered, Biblically-based and clinically-supported 12-month residential program for men struggling with drug and/or alcohol addiction. It’s about more than just getting sober, we want to see lives transformed. ubstance abuse is a problem that destroys families and weakens our communities. Northeast Ohio continues to experience record numbers of overdose deaths due to drugs and/or alcohol use. To provide compassionate, individualized care and life-changing truth which empowers men struggling with drug and/or alcohol addiction to restore their relationship with God and live the life He always intended.