Mahoning County Ohio Addiction Hotline
Mahoning County OH Drug & Alcohol Treatment Hotline
Mahoning County Ohio Substance Abuse Statistics
Mahoning County, Ohio, has been significantly impacted by substance abuse, with high rates of drug overdose deaths and drug abuse[1]. In 2017, Mahoning County ranked tenth in the state for unintentional drug overdose deaths[1]. The Ohio Substance Abuse Monitoring Network reported high usage of drugs in the Youngstown region, which includes Mahoning County[2]. According to SAMHSA, in 2016, there were 82,800 individuals with prescription pain medication substance use disorder and 47,150 individuals using heroin in Ohio[3]. These statistics highlight the severity of the substance abuse problem in Mahoning County and the need for effective strategies to address it.
The specific drugs used and abused in Mahoning County vary, with unspecified substances, illicit substances, alcohol, and prescription drugs being the most commonly reported[5].
However, it is important to note that naloxone, a medication used to reverse opioid overdoses, does not work on overdoses caused by non-opioid drugs, such as alcohol, cocaine, benzodiazepines, and methamphetamine[4]. This highlights the complexity of the substance abuse problem in Mahoning County and the need for a multifaceted approach to address it.
Substance abuse has a significant impact on the community and can lead to a range of negative consequences, including increased crime rates, decreased economic productivity, and poor health outcomes[5]. The Ohio State Medical Association has developed an online training for physicians to address prescription drug abuse, and the Ohio Department of Health has released data reports on drug overdoses in the state[4]. Additionally, the Alcohol, Drug Addiction, and Mental Health Boards in Ohio work to identify unmet needs and provide services to individuals struggling with substance abuse[6]. By implementing effective prevention and treatment strategies, Mahoning County can work to reduce the impact of substance abuse on its community and improve the health and well-being of its residents.
1. A look at Mahoning County overdose statistics. from
2. Read | Drug crime in Mahoning County. from
3. Ohio’s Opiate Epidemic. from
4. Drug Overdose Prevention. from
5. OH Discretionary Funding Fiscal Year 2020. from
6. 2023-2025 Community Assessment and Plan Four …. from

Mahoning County OH Addiction Treatment Resources

Mahoning County Ohio Government Addiction Recovery Resources
Mahoning County Ohio Government Addiction Recovery Resources. Mahoning County, Ohio Government offers a variety of addiction recovery facility resources to support individuals struggling with substance abuse. These include outpatient and inpatient treatment facilities, detoxification programs, and residential rehabilitation centers. The county government may also collaborate with local healthcare providers and community organizations to provide access to counseling services, support groups, and medication-assisted treatment (MAT) options for individuals seeking recovery from addiction. Additionally, efforts to raise awareness about substance abuse prevention and offer peer support programs is part of the county’s comprehensive approach to addressing addiction.

Mahoning County Ohio Mental Health Addiction Recovery Board
Mahoning County Ohio Mental Health Addiction Recovery Board. Our mission is to support and improve the quality of life for all residents of Mahoning County, by instilling hope through an accessible system of mental health and addiction, prevention, education, advocacy and recovery services. To ensure excellence in mental health and recovery services and enrich the lives of all residents of Mahoning County.

AA Mahoning County Ohio Alcoholics Anonymous Area 54 Northeast Ohio
AA Mahoning County Ohio Alcoholics Anonymous Area 54 Northeast Ohio. Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) Area 54 serves ErMahoningie County, Ohio, as part of its broader coverage of Northeast Ohio. Dedicated to supporting individuals struggling with alcohol addiction, AA Area 54 provides a range of resources and services tailored to the needs of the community. This includes regular AA meetings, where individuals can share their experiences, receive support, and work through the 12-step program towards recovery. With a focus on anonymity, fellowship, and mutual support, AA Area 54 creates a safe and welcoming environment for individuals in Mahoning County OH to embark on their journey to sobriety and find hope in their recovery process.

Coalition for a Drug Free Mahoning County Ohio
Coalition for a Drug Free Mahoning County Ohio. Our mission is to educate, advocate, and empower the community to prevent substance abuse and promote mental health across the lifespan in Mahoning County.
The Coalition began in 2007 and is a 501(c)(3) non-profit entity. Membership is free and open to the public; members come from all backgrounds & locations, but share a common interest in preventing or decreasing substance use in Mahoning County! Activities range from training sessions & town hall meetings to large scale collaborative projects. Our partners include Youngstown State University, local businesses, law enforcement professionals, healthcare workers, alcohol/drug prevention and treatment professionals,
and community members- just like YOU!