Hamilton County Ohio Addiction Hotline
Hamilton County OH Drug & Alcohol Treatment Hotline
Hamilton County Ohio Substance Abuse Statistics
Substance abuse rates in Hamilton County, Ohio, have been persistently higher than the national norm for a number of years, indicating a problem with substance misuse. In 2021, the county suffered 503 overdose deaths, averaging 50-70 overdoses per week[1]. However, there has been some progress in recent years, with the number of overdose deaths decreasing to about 454 in 2022, a 16% reduction from the previous year[3]. This reduction can be attributed to a mass of addiction services that have been implemented in the county, including integrated, holistic, community-based harm reduction addiction treatment programs[4]. While there is still much work to be done, this decrease in overdose deaths represents a positive step forward in addressing substance abuse in Hamilton County.
The impact of substance abuse on Hamilton County, Ohio communities has been significant[1]. Substance abuse has been linked to a range of negative outcomes, including: – Increased crime rates – Higher healthcare costs – Lost productivity in the workforce – Increased strain on social services These negative outcomes have far-reaching consequences, affecting not only individuals struggling with addiction but also their families and communities. By addressing the root causes of substance abuse and providing comprehensive support to those struggling with addiction, Hamilton County, OH can work towards reducing the impact of substance abuse on its communities and promoting a healthier, more productive society.
1. Hamilton County Drug Treatment & Recovery Court. from bja.ojp.gov/funding/awards/15pbja-22-gg-03972-dgct
2. Hamilton County’s Co-Responder Deflection Pilot (HC CORE). from bja.ojp.gov/funding/awards/15pbja-22-gg-04409-coap
3. New database highlights overdose death rates in every …. from www.wlwt.com
4. Addiction services helped decrease overdose deaths in …. from www.wvxu.org
5. WLWT: Drop in Hamilton County overdose deaths called ‘ …. from www.uc.edu
6. A Data-Driven Response to the Addiction Crisis in …. from pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/36194800/
7. A Data-Driven Response to the Addiction Crisis in …. from www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9531991/
8. Ohio County Sees Dramatic Decrease in Overdose Deaths. from pcssnow.org

Hamilton County OH Addiction Treatment Resources

Hamilton County Ohio Government Office of Addiction Response
Hamilton County Ohio Government Office of Addiction Response. The Hamilton County Office of Addiction Response supports the work of the Hamilton County Addiction Response Coalition, OneOhio Opiate Litigation Funds, county-wide deflection programming, and provides administrative support to the Hamilton County Heroin Task Force. Opioid addiction doesn’t discriminate – it affects all kinds of people, from all kinds of backgrounds, from every neighborhood across our county. It’s a chronic illness, not a choice. And it’s why the HCARC was formed. The HCARC is a group of community members, leaders, advocates and experts dedicated to ending the opiate epidemic in our community. We are a collective force of resources that provide access to care, when and where people need it most. We connect prevention options to treatment specialists to public health officials to law enforcement – bringing together the right resources for real results that make a real difference.

Hamilton County Ohio Government Drug & Alcohol Addiction Response Coalition
Hamilton County Ohio Government Drug & Alcohol Addiction Response Coalition. Treatment: Ongoing efforts have been made towards outreach to individuals and families who need treatment, ensure access to treatment, continue to reduce barriers to treatment and initiate strategies for engagement. Fund Treatment: Maximize access to Federal, state, and local funding for community-based treatment for addictive disease. Access to Treatment: Continue to focus efforts on increasing access to treatment for minority communities and promote the work of the African American Engagement Workgroup (AAEW).
Data Analysis: Analyze data related to efficacy of treatment services and routinely report the results to the Coalition.

AA Hamilton County Ohio Alcoholics Anonymous
Hamilton County Ohio Alcoholics Anonymous. Southwest Ohio Area 56 is a spiritual entity with a threefold mission in support of AA’s primary purpose: To nurture communication among and foster participation within all elements of the General Service structure, thereby ensuring the formation of an informed group con-science, To facilitate Twelfth Step work within South-west Ohio as guided by the Twelve Traditions and Twelve Concepts for World Service, and To assist Groups, Districts and Intergroups in their service to the suffering alcoholic by sharing information, experience and resources. Walking with Purpose is a newsletter designed to foster unity within Area 56. Excerpts from AA conference-approved literature are reprinted with permission. Opinions are strictly those of the author and any con-tent should not be implied as endorsements by Alcoholics Anonymous.

Hamilton County Ohio Mental Health & Recovery Services Board
Hamilton County Ohio Mental Health & Recovery Services Board. To develop and manage a continuum of mental health, addiction, and prevention services that have a positive impact on the community, are accessible, results oriented, and responsive to individual and family needs. Access to the Hamilton County public behavioral health system. Central Connection’s primary mission is to provide a standardized entry to a system of care that ensures that services are available, accessible, and of high quality. Central Connection staff are available 24/7/365 to answer calls and connect individuals to appropriate services.