Clermont County Ohio Addiction Hotline
Clermont County OH Drug & Alcohol Treatment Hotline
Clermont County Ohio Substance Abuse Statistics
Clermont County, Ohio has experienced a significant decrease in drug overdose deaths in recent years, with a nearly 30 percent decrease in 2022[1]. This is a promising trend, especially considering the six-year high of 71 drug-related overdose deaths in the county just a few years prior[1]. However, substance abuse remains a significant issue in the area, with various drugs of concern impacting the community. The Clermont County Mental Health and Recovery Board (CCMHB) has been working to address substance abuse in the county through various initiatives and programs.
Specific drugs of concern in Clermont County include prescription drugs, heroin, and methamphetamine[2]. Prescription drug misuse among the 18-25 year old population has been a particular focus of the CCMHB, with surveys developed to capture NOMs (non-opioid medication misuse) regarding prescription drug misuse in this age group[2]. In addition, the number of heroin-related overdose deaths in the county has been a cause for concern, with 105 deaths reported in 2018[3]. Methamphetamine use has also been on the rise in Clermont County, with the drug being responsible for a significant number of overdose deaths in the area[4].
To address substance abuse in Clermont County, the CCMHB has implemented various initiatives and programs. One such program is the Quick Response Teams (QRT), which has been successful in addressing overdose situations and connecting individuals with treatment and recovery resources[5]. The CCMHB is also applying for grant funding to expand the QRT program in the county[5]. Additionally, the county collects data for the drug-free workforce initiative, which aims to address substance abuse in the workplace and workforce[3]. These initiatives and programs demonstrate the county’s commitment to addressing substance abuse and promoting recovery in the community.
1. Drug overdose deaths decrease in Clermont County. from
2. Clermont | Department of Mental Health and Addiction Services. from
3. Drug overdose deaths decline in Clermont County. from
4. Drug deaths down in Clermont County. from
5. Expansion of Quick Response Teams in Clermont County. from

Clermont County OH Addiction Treatment Resources

Clermont County Ohio Government Recovery Substance Abuse
Clermont County Ohio Government Recovery Substance Abuse. CASC is a comprehensive outpatient program that provides behavioral health services to individuals with substance abuse disorders. Individuals referred by Clermont County Municipal Court choose to be in the intensive outpatient program, which runs five days per week. CASC is funded by the Board of County Commissioners with services provided through Greater Cincinnati Behavioral Health Services and grants obtained by the Clermont County Mental Health & Recovery Board.

Clermont County Ohio Mental Health and Recovery Board
Clermont County Ohio Mental Health and Recovery Board. The Clermont County Mental Health and Recovery Board is responsible for all public funds (state, federal, and local) allocated for mental health and addiction treatment and prevention services. Specifically, the Board’s mission is to plan and make provision for comprehensive mental health and addiction services that are accessible to all residents of Clermont County and to evaluate the delivery and effectiveness of these services.

AA Clermont County Ohio Alcoholics Anonymous
Clermont County Ohio Alcoholics Anonymous. Southwest Ohio Area 56 is a spiritual entity with a threefold mission in support of AA’s primary purpose: To nurture communication among and foster participation within all elements of the General Service structure, thereby ensuring the formation of an informed group con-science, To facilitate Twelfth Step work within South-west Ohio as guided by the Twelve Traditions and Twelve Concepts for World Service, and To assist Groups, Districts and Intergroups in their service to the suffering alcoholic by sharing information, experience and resources. Walking with Purpose is a newsletter designed to foster unity within Area 56. Excerpts from AA conference-approved literature are reprinted with permission. Opinions are strictly those of the author and any con-tent should not be implied as endorsements by Alcoholics Anonymous.

Coalition for a Drug-Free Clermont County Ohio
Coalition for a Drug-Free Clermont County Ohio. The Coalition for a Drug-Free Clermont County is committed to bringing information about substance abuse prevention to the community. Below are links to websites for both parents and teens that provide objective information. The Coalition for a Drug Free Clermont County promotes drug free environments for youth by providing education to the community about the risks of alcohol and drug use. Ensure every youth in our community grows up in an environment that is purposefully drug-free. Decrease the number of youth who are using alcohol, tobacco, and other drugs. Increase youth perception of personal harm associated with using alcohol, tobacco and other drugs. Increase the percentage of parents who express their disapproval of youth alcohol, tobacco, and other drug us